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Applied Mechanics Training System

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Friction Slide Apparatus

Product Code: AMLI30 - (Friction Slide Apparatus)

Friction slide apparatus – it is very interesting to study the different law of friction with it comprising of a 75 x 15 cm wooden board and a frictionless pulley at one end a scale pan with the following accessories with weights....


Combined Inclined Plane And Friction Slide Apparatus

Product Code: AMLI33 - (Combined Inclined Plane And Friction Slide Apparatus)

Consisting of a wooden plane 90 x 18cm having adjustment for setting the required angle precisely.....


Combined Coil And Flat Belt Friction Apparatus

Product Code: AMLI35 - (Combined Coil And Flat Belt Friction Apparatus)

It consists of a metallic pulley of 30 cm. diameter with two grooves one for rope and the other for belt.....


Combined Coil And �V� Belt Friction Apparatus

Product Code: AMLI36 - (Combined Coil And �V� Belt Friction Apparatus)

It consists of a metallic pulley of 30 cm. diameter with two grooves one for rope and the other for belt.....


Combined Coil, Flat And �V� Belt Friction Apparatus

Product Code: AMLI37 - (Combined Coil, Flat And �V� Belt Friction Apparatus)

It consists of a metallic pulley of 30 cm. diameter with two grooves one for rope and the other for belt.....


Winch Crab Single Purchase

Product Code: AMLI53 - (Winch Crab Single Purchase)

Fitted with heavy cast iron wall brackets. The grooved wheel is of 25 cm diameter and gears are machine cut.....


Winch Crab Double Purchase

Product Code: AMLI54 - (Winch Crab Double Purchase)

Fitted with heavy cast iron wall brackets. The grooved wheel is of 25 cm diameter and gears are machine cut.....


Compound Screw Jack

Product Code: AMLI61 - (Compound Screw Jack)

Consisting of a jack screw of T. P.I and start carrying load platform.....


Compression Of Coiled Springs

Product Code: AMLI69 - (Compression Of Coiled Springs)

Consisting of a cast iron bracket for attaching to wall with sliding and scale.....


The Combined Compression And Extension Of Springs Apparatus

Product Code: AMLI70 - (The Combined Compression And Extension Of Springs Apparatus)

The unit is complete with six standard steel springs 20 cm long each of different thickness, three for compression and three for extension.....


Hooks Law Apparatus

Product Code: AMLI71 - (Hooks Law Apparatus)

It consists of a scale mounted vertically on stand, a spring with pointer and provision to hang set of slotted weights.....


Youngs Modulus Apparatus (Searles Pattern)

Product Code: AMLI72 - (Youngs Modulus Apparatus (Searles Pattern))

It comprises two metal frames connected by a link mechanism carrying a spirit level.....


Youngs Modulus Apparatus (Searles Pattern)

Product Code: AMLI73 - (Youngs Modulus Apparatus (Searles Pattern))

Comprising of two cast iron frames with specially designed self centering chucks....


Youngs Modulus Apparatus (Vernier Type)

Product Code: AMLI74 - (Youngs Modulus Apparatus (Vernier Type))

Simple but very efficient consisting of 10 cm brass scale and vernier to read 0.1 mm with slide.....


Tortion Apparatus Searles Type

Product Code: AMLI79 - (Tortion Apparatus Searles Type)

Horizontal bench pattern. The wheel moving on ball bearing is provided with a chuck to hold the rod under test.....


Tortion Apparatus Vertical Type

Product Code: AMLI80 - (Tortion Apparatus Vertical Type)

A steel frame mounted on heavy cast base with leveling screw.....


Moment of Inertia of Flywheel

Product Code: AMLI85 - (Moment of Inertia of Flywheel)

Comprising of carefully machined and balanced cast iron wheel and steel spindle is supported on ball bearings in strong iron brackets.....


Moment of Inertia of Flywheel

Product Code: AMLI86 - (Moment of Inertia of Flywheel)

Comprising of carefully machined and balanced cast iron wheel and steel spindle is supported on ball bearings in strong iron brackets.....


Universal Force Table (Superior)

Product Code: AMLI01 - (Universal Force Table (Superior))

Complete with six sliding clamping pulleys to fix up the same at any desired angle.....


Inclined Plane Apparatus (Normal Quality)

Product Code: AMLI31 - (Inclined Plane Apparatus (Normal Quality))

The convenience and versatility of this unit has made it very popular.....


Inclined Plane Apparatus (Superior Quality)

Product Code: AMLI32 - (Inclined Plane Apparatus (Superior Quality))

Consisting of 75 x 20 cm wooden plane with glass top hinged to another base board to which a sector with graduated are and vertical scale is attached.....


Universal Force Table (Normal)

Product Code: AMLI02 - (Universal Force Table (Normal))

Complete with leveling screws, clamping device to fix the table at any desired angle, five sliding clamp pulleys, central ring, string and five sets of iron nickelled  slotted weights, each set  containing nine slotted weights and one hanger of 50 gms each.....


Link Polygon Apparatus

Product Code: AMLI03 - (Link Polygon Apparatus)



Apparatus To Study Equilibrium Of Non Concurrent Forces

Product Code: AMLI04 - (Apparatus To Study Equilibrium Of Non Concurrent Forces)



Parallelogram of Forces Apparatus

Product Code: AMLI05 - (Parallelogram of Forces Apparatus)



Polygon of Forces Apparatus

Product Code: AMLI06 - (Polygon of Forces Apparatus)



Triangle & Parallelogram of Forces Apparatus

Product Code: AMLI07 - (Triangle & Parallelogram of Forces Apparatus)



Polygon & Triangle of Forces Apparatus

Product Code: AMLI08 - (Polygon & Triangle of Forces Apparatus)



Polygon of Forces Apparatus

Product Code: AMLI09 - (Polygon of Forces Apparatus)



Law of Conservation of Mass

Product Code: AMLI10(A) - (Law of Conservation of Mass)



Apparatus To Verify The Low Of Forces In Three Dimensions

Product Code: AMLI10(B) - (Apparatus To Verify The Low Of Forces In Three Dimensions)



Parallel Forces Apparatus (Tubular spring balance)

Product Code: AMLI11 - (Parallel Forces Apparatus (Tubular spring balance))



Parallel Forces Apparatus (Dial type balance)

Product Code: AMLI12 - (Parallel Forces Apparatus (Dial type balance))



Parallel Forces Apparatus Overhang Beam Type

Product Code: AMLI13 - (Parallel Forces Apparatus Overhang Beam Type)



Apparatus for Reaction of Forces in Beam

Product Code: AMLI14 - (Apparatus for Reaction of Forces in Beam)



Bell Crank Lever (With Weight Attachments)

Product Code: AMLI15 - (Bell Crank Lever (With Weight Attachments))



Bell Crank Lever(Without Weights)

Product Code: AMLI16 - (Bell Crank Lever(Without Weights))



Compound Lever

Product Code: AMLI17 - (Compound Lever)



Cranked Compound Lever

Product Code: AMLI18 - (Cranked Compound Lever)



Lever Apparatus (With Weights)

Product Code: AMLI19 - (Lever Apparatus (With Weights))



Lever Apparatus (Without Weights)

Product Code: AMLI20 - (Lever Apparatus (Without Weights))



Moments Disc Apparatus

Product Code: AMLI21 - (Moments Disc Apparatus)



Law Of Moments Apparatus

Product Code: AMLI22 - (Law Of Moments Apparatus)



Cantilever Beam Apparatus

Product Code: AMLI23 - (Cantilever Beam Apparatus)



Structural Mechanics Apparatus (complete set)

Product Code: AMLI24 - (Structural Mechanics Apparatus (complete set))



Jointed Roof Truss On Wheels

Product Code: AMLI25 - (Jointed Roof Truss On Wheels)



Shear Legs Apparatus

Product Code: AMLI26 - (Shear Legs Apparatus)



Simple Jib Crane

Product Code: AMLI27 - (Simple Jib Crane)



Jib Crane With Slotted Weights

Product Code: AMLI28 - (Jib Crane With Slotted Weights)



Geared Jib Crane

Product Code: AMLI29 - (Geared Jib Crane)



Coil Friction Apparatus

Product Code: AMLI34 - (Coil Friction Apparatus)



Rope Brake And Dynamometer

Product Code: AMLI38 - (Rope Brake And Dynamometer)



Crony Brake Dynamometer

Product Code: AMLI39 - (Crony Brake Dynamometer)



Pulley Blocks

Product Code: AMLI40 - (Pulley Blocks)



Pulley Blocks

Product Code: AMLI41 - (Pulley Blocks)



Pulley Blocks

Product Code: AMLI42 - (Pulley Blocks)



Pulley Blocks

Product Code: AMLI43 - (Pulley Blocks)



Double Shave Pulley Block

Product Code: AMLI44 - (Double Shave Pulley Block)



Differential Pulley Block Model

Product Code: AMLI45 - (Differential Pulley Block Model)



Pulley Demonstration Set

Product Code: AMLI46 - (Pulley Demonstration Set)



Pulley System Different Type

Product Code: AMLI47 - (Pulley System Different Type)



Chain Pulley Blocks (1 Ton.)

Product Code: AMLI48 - (Chain Pulley Blocks (1 Ton.))



Compound Wheel And Axle

Product Code: AMLI49 - (Compound Wheel And Axle)



Wheel and Differential Axle

Product Code: AMLI50 - (Wheel and Differential Axle)



Wheel and Differential Axle 20cm

Product Code: AMLI51 - (Wheel and Differential Axle 20cm)



Wheel and Axle Simple Form

Product Code: AMLI52 - (Wheel and Axle Simple Form)



Worm and Worm Wheel

Product Code: AMLI55 - (Worm and Worm Wheel)



Worm and Worm Wheel (80 teeth cut worm gear)

Product Code: AMLI56 - (Worm and Worm Wheel (80 teeth cut worm gear))



Apparatus to Find The Personal Horse Power of a Man

Product Code: AMLI57 - (Apparatus to Find The Personal Horse Power of a Man)



Screw Efficiency Apparatus

Product Code: AMLI58 - (Screw Efficiency Apparatus)



Screw Jack

Product Code: AMLI59 - (Screw Jack)



Screw Jack (small size)

Product Code: AMLI60 - (Screw Jack (small size))



Compound Screw Jack with Transverse Motion

Product Code: AMLI62 - (Compound Screw Jack with Transverse Motion)



Deflection of Beam Apparatus

Product Code: AMLI63 - (Deflection of Beam Apparatus)



Bending Of Beam Apparatus

Product Code: AMLI64 - (Bending Of Beam Apparatus)



Elasticity of Fixture Apparatus

Product Code: AMLI65 - (Elasticity of Fixture Apparatus)



Shear Force Apparatus

Product Code: AMLI66 - (Shear Force Apparatus)



Bending Moment Apparatus

Product Code: AMLI67 - (Bending Moment Apparatus)



Stresses In Beam Apparatus

Product Code: AMLI68 - (Stresses In Beam Apparatus)



Young Modulus of a Metal Rod by an Interference Method

Product Code: AMLI75 - (Young Modulus of a Metal Rod by an Interference Method)



Rigidity of Wires(Searle�s Pattern)

Product Code: AMLI76 - (Rigidity of Wires(Searle�s Pattern))



Maxwell Vibration Needle

Product Code: AMLI77 - (Maxwell Vibration Needle)



Tortion Apparatus(Clamp Pattern)

Product Code: AMLI78 - (Tortion Apparatus(Clamp Pattern))

It is more convenient to observe the tortion produced in rods of varying lengths between 1 meter to 2 meter.....


Second Law of Motion Apparatus

Product Code: AMLI81 - (Second Law of Motion Apparatus)



Simple Pendulum

Product Code: AMLI82 - (Simple Pendulum)



Bar Pendulum or Compound Pendulum

Product Code: AMLI83 - (Bar Pendulum or Compound Pendulum)



Kater\'s of Reversible Pendulum

Product Code: AMLI84 - (Kater\'s of Reversible Pendulum)



Fletcher Trolley

Product Code: AMLI87 - (Fletcher Trolley)



Atwood Machine

Product Code: AMLI88 - (Atwood Machine)



Centrifugal Force Apparatus

Product Code: AMLI89 - (Centrifugal Force Apparatus)



Physical Weight box (Iron)

Product Code: AMLI90 - (Physical Weight box (Iron))



Physical Weight box (brass)

Product Code: AMLI91 - (Physical Weight box (brass))



Analytical Weight box (Brass)

Product Code: AMLI92 - (Analytical Weight box (Brass))



Slotted Weight Set : Iron Nickelled

Product Code: AMLI93 - (Slotted Weight Set : Iron Nickelled)



Slotted Weight Set : Brass Nickelled

Product Code: AMLI94 - (Slotted Weight Set : Brass Nickelled)



Slotted Weight Hanger : Iron Painted Black

Product Code: AMLI95 - (Slotted Weight Hanger : Iron Painted Black)



Slotted Weight : Iron Painted Black

Product Code: AMLI96 - (Slotted Weight : Iron Painted Black)



Conical Weights : Iron Painted Black

Product Code: AMLI97 - (Conical Weights : Iron Painted Black)



Spring Balance (Flat Type)

Product Code: AMLI98 - (Spring Balance (Flat Type))



Spring Balance (Aluminium case rectangular frame)

Product Code: AMLI99 - (Spring Balance (Aluminium case rectangular frame))

